baptism of peyton hanson easter sunday april 2021

The baptism of Peyton Hanson took place at St Mark's Anglican Warwick Church, Easter Sunday 2021.

Focus for yearbook wyatt baptism at Killarney Colton Wyatt Baptism July 2020 at Christ Church Anglican Killarney 

What is Baptism?

Baptism is one of the central sacraments of the Church. Through it, we believe that the baptised person is established in a new relationship with God, and becomes a member of the Christian church.  When we come forward for Baptism we are saying "yes" to God's love and desire for us to belong to the community of God's people.  Baptisms are easy to arrange, but should be booked in as soon as possible.  To book a baptism and/or arrange a preparation meeting, please contact the Parish Office.

Who can be baptised?

We welcome for baptism any person who wishes to declare their allegiance to Jesus Christ. We also welcome infants and children whose parents choose to commit themselves to the promises of baptism.

We welcome you and your child.

The Anglican Parish of Warwick welcomes every child or adult for Baptism. We do this with a service of Thanksgiving. We are also pleased to welcome children into the ongoing life of the Church through Baptism.

What happens in the Thanksgiving Service?
  • We thank God for this precious new life
  • We ask God to be with this child as he/she grows up
  • We ask God to help and encourage parents
  • We celebrate family life
  • Usually this is held as part of the third Sunday morning worship service at 8.30am at St. Mark's, please discuss alternate arrangements with the Parish Office (4661 7223 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
What happens in Baptism?
  • Baptism is the means by which a person of any age is incorporated into the faith community
  • Parents and godparents make faith promises on behalf of the child
  • Water is used as a symbol of God's cleansing and renewing power
  • The child is baptised into the Christian faith in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • Parents and godparents promise to nurture and encourage the child in the Christian faith
  • All at the service welcome and pray for the new member of the Christian community
  • Baptism normally occurs within the Sunday service unless family circumstances dictate the necessity for alternative arrangements. Currently at St. Marks baptism occurs on the third Sunday of the month. Please check with the clergy regarding times.
What is the role of Godparents?
  • To share with parents the responsibility of making promises on behalf of the child
  • To work with parents to support and nurture the child in the Christian faith
  • To encourage the child to a point of personal ownership of the faith into which baptised
  • There are normally three Godparents – two female and one male for a girl and two male and one female for a boy, however this is not essential.
  • Because of the promises they will make, Church law requires that godparents have been baptised into the Christian church
Do we have to be active Church members?
  • We welcome all those who seek the ministry of the church
  • The Service of Thanksgiving is open to all without restriction
  • Baptism requires (by Church law) that at least one parent is baptised in the Christian faith
  • We would encourage you to be involved in the life of the church as much as you are able and look forward to sharing your child's faith journey with you.
What preparation needs to be done?

A person is prepared for baptism through prayer and instruction. In the month prior to the baptism the candidate is anointed with the oil of catechumens at Sunday worship as a means of signifying the commencement of that preparation period. At that time the candidate is "set aside" and then upheld in prayer by the faith community. One of the clergy team will then instruct the candidate or their parents regarding the theology of baptism and its role in the life of the Christian community.

Being baptised as an adult

  • We warmly welcome any unbaptised person who wishes to declare their faith in Christ through Baptism.
  • Baptism normally happens at of one of our worship services, and follows a short period of preparation.
  • Baptisms are to be held on the Third Sunday of the Month, at the 8.30am Sunday Service.
  • For further inquiries, please contact the Parish Office at St.Marks on 4661 7223
  • or email at a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Service of Thanksgiving is also available to celebrate the birth of a child (without a Baptism)  

Baptism Email for Parent Information for Anglican Parish of Warwick Website.pdf   




Admission to Holy Communion (First Communion)

Baptised Christians aged 8 or above may be admitted to the sacrament of Holy Communion.  This is recognised through a special service for admission to Holy Communion, taking place within our regular 8.30am Sunday service at St. Mark's.  Contact Clergy or the Parish Office for further details. 



A Service in which baptised Christians aged 15 or above confirm the promises that were made for them at Baptism.  It is also a way that Christians who come from another tradition might become members of the Anglican Church.  Confirmations may only be conducted by a Bishop on his annual Parish visit.    Please contact the Parish Office or Clergy for further details.

(Candidates for baptism aged 15 or above are usually confirmed at the same time, so adult baptisms are often organised around a Confirmation Service).